Calling All Walking Dead Fans: The 2018 Walker
Stalker Cruise
Are you looking for a way to work your favorite TV show into
your travel plans? Do you want to take a cruise next year? If so, we may have
the dream vacation for you! In a Travel
Pulse article, Donald Wood shares news worth celebrating for viewers of The Walking Dead. Per the Walker Stalker
Cruise website, the zombie show-themed cruise, aboard Norwegian Cruise Line’s Norwegian Pearl, starts out from New
Orleans on January 26, 2018; thus begins a 4-night journey including a visit to
Cozumel, Mexico, before the ship’s January 30 return to the U.S.
While passengers enjoy the cruise ship’s features, they will
also be treated to a fantastic lineup of special Walking Dead-themed events, like
the chance to meet the actors playing fan favorites like Daryl and Maggie,
along with the creator of the original comic book series and other
behind-the-scenes contributors. This cruise also offers activities for zombie
apocalypse aficionados, as well as live musical performances. For $895 per
passenger (when booking for 2 guests) plus taxes and fees, you could be one of
the estimated 2500 fans aboard the 3rd annual Walker Stalker Cruise.